Monday, February 27, 2012

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

So as many of you probably know, the short The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore won an Oscar last night. Like most of the shorts, I had never heard of it, but luckily one of the people I follow on Twitter posted a link sharing it. I watched it today... and wow. It's pretty awesome, and the Oscar was so well-deserved. As a librarian and lover of books, I had a special appreciation for the film... It really portrays how wonderful books are... the joy that they can bring to everyone.

So here's the link for it: Go! Watch it! And grab a tissue if you're one to cry at things. You won't regret it!

On a somewhat related note, today was early-release for the schools in our area. I was shelving over in children's when a mom came up to me with her young daughter who was probably 5-6. She said to me, "I'll be honest with you... I haven't been in a library since I was a kid. But my daughter had a librarian visit her class today, and she begged me to bring her." She then asked me about the kids' section and how things were set up.

My heart smiled at that... I applaud the mom for taking those first steps in getting her daughter to appreciate libraries and reading, and I hope that the little girl does develop a love of reading!

That's all for today... Let me know what you think of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oopsie Daisies!

So Tuesday night when I was at work, we had a Daisy Troop touring the library. Our supervisor was leading the tour, taking them around to the different sections of the library before bringing them in the back. I was working in the bomb room at the time, and when the tour reached me, I ran around to the lobby and threw some heavier books into the bookdrop so they would get the full effect of what it's like in there when books are returned. Then they were allowed to take turns checking in books on the RFID reader we have before continuing on their way. They seemed to be excited about the whole thing, which was really cute.

Once they had left and finished their tour, my supervisor came back to the bomb room. She let out a huge sigh of relief (I guess they had been a little loud and crazy), and asked me if I wanted to hear a funny tour story. I, of course, said yes.

Apparently, when she had taken them back to where the crates were for the books that are being sent to other branches, she was greeted with this:

Yes, my friends, that is one of like... 3 Parental Advisory books we have in our ENTIRE collection right on top. And being little girls, they started to giggle and point, at which point my supervisor was like, Ooookaaay, time to go this way! Whoops!