Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Review - City of Bones

I first noticed Cassandra Clare's City of Bones, the first book in the Mortal Instruments Series, a few months ago when I started working at the library. When I see that a book is circulating a lot, I instantly take note of it, and when a copy finally comes through without a hold on it, I'll check it out. So that, coupled with B's suggestion that I read it, I figured pretty much meant I was going to like it. And I did!

The book starts when 15-year-old Clary heads out to a NYC Club with her best friend, Simon. Once there, she witnesses a murder committed by a group of teenagers with strange weapons and even stranger tattoos. Clary's prepared to call the police, but then the body just disappears into thin air and she discovers that the murderers can't be seen by anyone but her.

From this point on, Clary enters the world of the Shadowhunters, warriors who's life purpose is to rid the world of demons. Within 24 hours of the murder, Clary's life is turned upside down. Her mother disappears, she is attacked by a demon, and she meets Jace, a gorgeous Shadowhunter, but a class-A jerk.

But the question is why would demons be interested in mundanes like Clary and her mother at all? You'll just have to read it yourself and find out!

I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't particularly moving, and there were moments that it was very information-heavy, but I still thought it was exciting and compelling, the characters were well-developed, and it was just a fun read. I can't wait to read the second book in the series, City of Ashes. I recommend City of Bones to anyone looking to start a new fantasy series. It is classified as a young adult fiction novel, so it's written at a somewhat younger level, but the writing is good, so I didn't really notice it that much. But I definitely give City of Bones 4.5 (out of 5) stars!

A fun side note... I'm pretty sure Cassandra Clare got her start writing Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fanfiction. I think that's pretty cool... going from fanfiction to published author.


  1. Yes, Cassandra Clare was a fanfic writer - I heard about her too late and I can't find any of her work anymore :\

  2. I haven't read it, but my mom who is a media specialist at a high school LOVES this book. So does my masseuse! My sister said she couldn't get into it, to each his own I guess!

    I just did a book review on my blog as well! http://www.findingbrittnemo.blogspot.com
